Sunday, November 2, 2008

Little budget, but big hopes for media traction

Not that I'm lazy, but wanted to share this with you all who are seeking some media coverage but have a small budg, lack a big agency (non-retained), or just don't have the quasi-expertise (no rockets need to built).Try this out. It worked for us at Boys & Girls Clubs and we had no budg...but lots of gumption.
1. First make sure what you are saying and how you are saying is compelling and easy to ingest. 
2. Invest in a newswire service. 
3. Employ someone or an agency who is comfortable and competent with knowing what to say and who to say it to, to go out and directly pitch the story to a targeted list of business/trade editors and reporters. 
4. Post your press release to your corp site, your personal site, your blog, LinkedIn profile, Facebook page, etc. 
5. Reach out to a biz blog syndication service and get your release posted out "there" 
6. Smartly reach out to some local and regional trade/biz pubs and establish some guest ed opps for you. In your articles, reference your new company and the compelling reasons that differentiate you from the competitor set. 
7. Cross your fingers!

Chris Lohman Saint St. LLC 206-941-6935

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